GitKraken CLI

gk pr suggestion list

Search if an open pull request for the current branch exists and displays its Code Suggestions


Search if an open pull request for the current branch exists and displays its Code Suggestions. By default, the command searches in your current directory if the checked out branch in your repository has a pull request with Code Suggestions. To select a pull request from a repository in your workspace directly, use the -w flag. NOTE: If the command fails to detect a pull request or the folder is not a repository, it will fallback to the -w option.

gk pr suggestion list [flags]


  -w, --from-ws     Use a workspace to get the pull requests and select one
  -h, --help        help for list
  -s, --select-ws   Skip the default workspace for this action and force a workspace selection


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 28-Jun-2024

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