gk issue create-branch
Create a new branch in a repository from an existent issue
gk issue create-branch <issue code|issue title> <-n|-p> [flags]
# Create a branch from an issue with code FEAT-123 in 'repository-name', and give it a custom branch name
$ gk issue create-branch FEAT-123 -b "super cool feature" -n repository-name
# Create a branch from an issue starting with given title in 'repository-name' (branch name will be generated from issue title)
$ gk issue create-branch "Some interesting issue name" -n repository-name
# Create a branch in a repo located in given path with a custom name (you will be prompted to select an issue)
$ gk issue create-branch -p ../path/to/repo -b feature/nice_stuff
-b, --branch-name string Specify the branch name. If omitted, it will use a normalized version of the issue name
-h, --help help for create-branch
-n, --repo-name string Specify the name of a repository in your workspace where the branch will be created. If 'repo-path' is set, this flag will be ignored
-p, --repo-path string Specify the repository path where the branch will be created. Setting this flag will override 'repo-name'
-s, --select-ws Skip the default workspace for this action and force a workspace selection
- gk issue - List and view issues